Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Resources for learning EFT

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a quick, simple and highly effective means of changing limiting beliefs around all sorts of issues ranging from low self esteem, abundance and prosperity and personal performance. It has also had a very impressive track record with physical ailments including headache, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and more.

The principles behind EFT are based on the tried and true methods of acupressure (applying pressure to certain electrically conducive points on the body) to re-balance the energy system. This method is so powerful and effective it has grabbed the attention of medical doctors, psychologists and researchers.

"I frequently use EFT for my patients with great results."--Dr. Eric Robins, MD

"EFT offers great healing benefits."--Deepak Chopra, MD

"EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement."--Candace Pert, PhD

"By removing emotional trauma, EFT helps heal physical symptoms too."--Norm Shealy, MD

"EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior."--Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD

Below are my favorite resources for learning EFT:

The EFT Main Website
owned by EFT creator, Gary Graig. You can download the official EFT manual for free, search an extensive database of EFT articles and order many instructional DVDs. Highly recommended Click Here

Carol Look's Attracting Abundance Store.
EFT Master Carol Look offers a wide selection of books, CDs and DVDs on subjects ranging from Attracting Abundance with EFT, Weight Loss, Addiction, Quitting Smoking and more. Highly recommended. Click Here

The EFT Immersion Training Program.
Want to learn all the techniques you need to know to be an effective EFT practitioner in only 90 minutes? Learn all the core techniques and shortcuts from EFT Master Stewart Robertson in one comprehensive training video. Click Here to learn all the core techniques and shortcuts from EFT Master Stewart Robertson.

Money Beyond Belief With EFT. Do you have a wealth mindset? Joe Vitale and EFT Master Brad Yates show you how limiting beliefs about money keep you from reaching your true financial potential and how to change your thinking from limiting to limitless. Highly recommended Click Here!